Asides from showing my work, this website is also meant to give some insights about me as a person. In the future I aim to give a more thorough description of myself, but for now some bullet-points will do.
Get to know me quickly
My greatest passions are nature and science. I love to get lost in the wonders of the world and it seems like I cannot stop being surprised by what knowledge is hidden in our natural world.
Asides nature and science, I find most of my happiness in the process of creating. Photography, visual art and writing are what I’m mainly working on at the moment, but I am always looking for new ways to create and let me creativity run free.
As for my education, I studied Hospitality Business Management at ‘Hotelschool The Hague’ based in Amsterdam and I studied Ecology and Urban planning by self-study and online courses.
For my next step, I am planning to take up a journalism course because I want to continue writing in different forms. This will also enable me to learn about science, meet extraordinary people and travel .
My writing is both negatively and positively influenced by my dyslexia. Even though it brings struggles, it has made me more aware of how language works because I always had to focus on it much more.
I have an entrepreneurial spirit, and I am looking to start my own business venture in the upcoming years. Even though the are plans are currently in the making, it remains scary and I am not sure when I will start.
I love reading, but often find that there is little time to get to do it. The goals for this year is to read at least one book a month asides from what I read for studying purposes.
Other things about me
My primary place of residence is Amsterdam, my favourite city. The second place I call home is the campsite close to my home village. Beaches, forests, everything I could ever want.
Even though I love living in the Netherlands, I also love to travel and experiencing the world. My next planned trip will be a wild camping trip through Sweden.
Most of my computer work is done in café’s as I love the background noise made out of machines running, calm music, and distant chatter.
My favourite sports (at the moment) are running, bouldering, kickboxing, hiking, and playing padel.
Currently I am in training to become a yoga teacher.